We use interactive video simulations to immerse learners into storylines where their decisions influence the story outcome.
After the simulation, users reflect on their decisions, are provided guidance and become more confident and competent in real life.
Mobile Experience

Benefits & Features

Realistic video storylines
Real scenarios, real actors, real consequences for a relevant learning experience.
Quick experiences
3 - 5 minute modules
Varied learning content
Image, text and video formats
Real time feedback
Time pressured decision making and consequences provide instant feedback.
Learning pathways
The path to accreditation involves missions, unlocks and achievement.
Digital badges & micro credentials
Participants work towards recognition.
Benefits & Features
Offers formative and summative assessment testing.
24/7 availability, self-directed unlimited replays, mobile optimized, cross platform.
Insightful analytics
Participant data about knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Pedagogical framework
Grounded in learning and development.
Realistic video storylines
Real scenarios, real actors, real consequences for a relevant learning experience.
Quick experiences
3 - 5 minute modules
Varied learning content
Image, text and video formats
Real time feedback
Time pressured decision making and consequences provide instant feedback.
Learning pathways
The path to accreditation involves missions, unlocks and achievement.
Digital badges & micro credentials
Participants work towards recognition.
Offers formative and summative assessment testing.
24/7 availability, self-directed unlimited replays, mobile optimized, cross platform.
Insightful analytics
Participant data about knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Pedagogical framework
Grounded in learning and development.

Watch the demo video

Creating a tailored experience

We work with clients to understand their needs and design a learning experience that is appropriate and engaging for learners. Our methodology uses established learning principles to provide users with an immersive learning experience that results in a ‘real life’ change in competence and confidence. Data from usage is rich, providing insight into the learning materials as well as trends across the user group.
Hover over each section to find out more.
Creating a tailored experience
  • Gain Context
  • Understand organisational and learning requirements
  • Author the experience
  • Prepare for organisational requirements
  • Film, edit, load, test the module
  • Author learning experience materials
  • Documentation for organisational requirements
  • Pilot or full launch to users
  • Teaching, learning and assessment
  • Automated micro credentialing
  • Source learning evidence
  • Get user feedback
  • Analyse data and outcomes
  • Report to client
  • Adjust the experience
Gain Context
Understand organisational and learning requirements
Author the experience
Prepare for organisational requirements
Film, edit, load, test the module
Author learning experience materials
Documentation for organisational requirements
Pilot or full launch to users
Teaching, learning and assessment
Automated micro credentialing
Source learning evidence
Get user feedback
Analyse data and outcomes
Report to client
Adjust the experience

About Us

At the Sharpen Learning Group, we create meaningful, interactive learning experiences that engage users, help them learn and become more competent and confident in their daily lives. As a team, we have diverse backgrounds across education and learning, user experience, technology, production and compliance. We come together in a focused way to help our clients achieve their learning and people engagement goals.
Christian Gossan
Christian Gossan

Managing Director & Founder

Over 19 years of professional services experience with KPMG, most recently running a global interactive learning programme covering 80+ countries.

Client, user experience and technology focused.

John Prescott
John Prescott
Head of Production

Over 25 years commercial and corporate video production experience in the Americas and Australia.

Creative content focused.